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Alastair is an experienced teacher of saxophone, clarinet and piano and has taught students of all ages and abilities, from 6 to 86 and from beginners to aspiring professionals.

Alastair is a Professor of Saxophone at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and also teaches at Junior Guildhall, Royal Grammar School (High Wycombe) and for Hillingdon Music Service as well as giving private tuition at his home in Hitchin.  Alastair has taught masterclasses at Royal Northern College of Music, Trinity Laban Conservatoire, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Salford University and York University (with Kaleidoscope) as well as further afield at UCLA and Cal State Fullerton (USA). Alastair is a regular tutor at Benslow Music and has coached the saxophones of the National Youth Wind Orchestra. Previous teaching posts include classical saxophone teacher at the University of Liverpool and woodwind and piano teacher at Thorpe House School, Staves Music Tuition, A&L Music, Harefield Academy, Crown House Music Academy and Queen Edith Community Primary School. Alastair has also taught students for the University of Cambridge.


Alastair's students have gained places at conservatoires including Royal College of Music, Royal Northern College of Music, Trinity Laban Conservatoire, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Guildhall School of Music and in ensembles including National Youth Wind Orchestra, National Youth Concert Band, National Youth Music Theatre and National Youth Jazz Orchestra.


To enquire about starting lessons contact Alastair on or 07732 517433.

For a full teaching CV click here.




"Not every brilliant professional soloist can be an inspiring teacher.  Alastair is modestly and thoroughly both!  In my 2 years as an aged saxophone newbie pupil, he has introduced me to a wide classical repertoire (and jazz) to play, to strive for, to appreciate and enjoy!  The progress I've made is hugely satisfying (despite the age barrier)! And he's no stranger to the keyboard either, so accompanied "performances" were a highlight of lessons.  Alastair's website teaching resources are the icing on the cake." - Teresa Scholtz (Adult saxophone student)


"I especially enjoyed meeting Alastair Penman for the first time. He was absolutely excellent in every regard: manner, playing, advice on technique, choice of music, encouragement etc. etc." - Student feedback from course at Benslow Music

Alastair maintains a YouTube channel of teaching resources for students which can be found here.

Alastair's resources have been featured on the Clarinet and Saxophone Society of Great Britain's Website as well as the Universal Editions Website and have received over 4 million views on YouTube.




As well as giving individual tuition Alastair is available to take workshops and masterclasses. Alastair has previously taught classes and given masterclasses at universities including UCLA (USA), Cal State Fullerton (USA), Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Royal Northern College of Music, Trinity Laban Conservatoire, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Salford University, York University (with KSQ) and for music services including Berkshire Maestros and Wolverhampton Music Service (with BSQ).

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